WHAT TO EXPECT2021-04-13T16:02:08+00:00


At your initial evaluation, Larry will perform a thorough head-to-toe examination to identify current and potential problems, as well as any and all functional limitations you may have.  He will help you define your recovery goals and set up a realistic and concrete treatment plan to get you back to your best, as quickly as possible.

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Dry Needling

Dry Needling Dry needling (not to be confused with acupuncture) is a safe and effective technique used for the treatment of pain and movement impairments.  The ultra-thin needle allows for specific targeting of tissues that are not manually palpable, to release or inactivate trigger points and relieve pain, reduce muscle tension, and/or improve range of motion.  The treatment can only be performed by skilled, trained physical therapists who are certified in the procedure.  Larry provides dry needling to complement his patients’ care at no extra charge, in order to help speed up rehabilitation and a patient’s return to an active lifestyle.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy Cupping therapy is used to help with local pain relief, inflammation, blood flow, muscle relaxation and healing.  For athletes, cupping can increase blood circulation to a particular muscle region, promoting cell repair, relieving muscle tension, and reducing pain.  It also helps form new connective tissues and create new blood vessels in the tissue.  Our patients often mention they have immediate benefits after this type of therapy.

IASTM & Manual Therapy

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization People who don't get treatment right after an injury or surgery often develop scar tissue, resulting in agonizing movement and limited mobility.  Because scar tissue prevents muscles from lengthening properly, therapy is needed to restart the healing process.  One way to do this is with the IASTM technique, a therapy often used by Larry at Preferred ChoicePT.  IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization) compliments Larry's hands by using stainless steel instruments that conform to different body parts, allowing him to locate soft tissue restrictions or chronic inflammation and effectively treat the area with the appropriate amount of pressure to break down scar tissue.  This allows functional restoration to occur by reabsorption and remodeling of excessive soft tissue in the affected area, improving the way you move. Only therapists who are specially trained to safely and effectively treat conditions are able to perform this type of treatment.  More than 500 professional and amateur sports organizations use the IASTM technique, including 16 NBA teams, 18 NFL teams, and 16 MLB teams.  

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